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MMORPG survey

Section 1

What is your sex?
What is your nationality?
What is your age?
What is your ethnicity?
What is your occupation?

What compelled you to start playing MMORPGs?

How long have you been playing games for?
How long have you been playing MMORPGs for?
What MMORPG are you currently playing most?
How long have you been playing your current MMORPG for?
If applicable, what type of servers (RP, PVP, etc...) do you play on?

What made you to choose the type of server you did?

What other types of video games do you play?

Beat 'em up
Flight simulator
First Person Shooters
Role Playing
LIfe Simulation
Space simulator

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Completely AgreePartially AgreeNeither agree nor disagreePartially DisagreeCompletely Disagree
The aspect of the game that appeals to me is social aspect
In MMORPGs, co-operation is more fun than competition.
I enjoy going on solo missions
I can only enjoy the game when I'm playing with other people
I would prefer my guild to be a social one, rather than one focused on high level RAIDing
MMORPGs are very unlike other genres of game
I emotionally engage with MMORPGs.
Social bonds in MMORPGs are just as valid as real life ones.
I would still play MMORPGs if all of the violent elements were taken out.

Section 2

For the following section, please answer using the MMORPG you play the most.

How many different characters do you currently play online?
How many of these characters are male and how many are female? Please also list any neuter characters you play.
How often do you create new characters?

Why do you create new characters?

If you tick no here, skip the two following questions.

If you tick yes, then please continue as normal

Do you believe that male and female players gravitate towards playing certain character classes?

If you have answered yes, then specify what types of character classes males and
females will typically gravitate towards.

What reasons do males and females have for gravitating towards the character classes you outlined above?

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Completely agreePartially
Neither agree nor disagreeeditPartially disagreeCompletely disagree
A player's personality will be the same as their avatar's.
It's possible to tell someone's sex by chatting with them.
The male avatars in the game are highly sexualised.
The female avatars in the game are highly sexualised.
The developers really define what the avatars look like.
The game is designed to be liked equally by both male and female players.

If you answer no to this next question, skip to Section 4

If you answer yes, then please continue to section 3. If you answer neuter, please go to section 5.

Do you ever play as a character or characters of the opposite sex or neuter?

Section 3

Why do (or did) you play as a character of the opposite sex?

What relationship is there between your personality and that of your avatar?

What aspects of your behaviour would you say you had to change to pass as a member of the opposite sex?

After completing this question, please go to section 6.

Has your outlook on male and female gender changed as a result of your time spent playing multiple identites?

Section 4

Why do you prefer to play avatars of the same sex as yourself?

After completing this question, please go to section 6

What relationship is there between your personality and that of your avatar?

Section 5

Why do you prefer to play avatars that are neuter?

What relationship is there between your personality and that of your avatar?

Section 6

If you are willing to be contacted about the possiblity of further interview through a chat client, please put your email below.

If you wish to know more about the aim and eventual findings of this study, please put your email below

Many thanks!

Any questions? Comments?